Monday, September 25, 2006

Not one to complain much...however...

Years ago I was into Fencing...not the act of selling stolen goods, but the French Foil sort of fencing. It was the best sport ever (still is)...but...I developed a style of sword play that played havoc on my at (near) 40 I sometimes reap the wrath of those fine years of fencing...tonight is one of those nights (actually, last Sunday, I wacked my left knee on a desk at a friend's school and tore up a bunch of stuff...had I not possessed a knee of destruction from years of fencing abuse, I would have easily walked off the injury). My left leg is in a tremendous amount of pain and I am thankful for the vicodin from a previous surgery "botch up" that I can now take to ease the pain. I'm not sure when the next post will be. I'm having a bit of a 'time' focusing on editing...later...

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