Friday, April 16, 2004

Some one stop him...Solo shot first!

Just got this from the Dark Worlds web site re: Lucas and the no-longer "original" Star Wars trilogy...

The new release will not include the three films as they were originally released in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, but will instead feature the revised versions Lucas released to theaters in the ‘90s, featuring substantially altered effects shots as well as a certain amount of narrative tinkering. These versions were met with mixed response by the fan community (scenes that had been in the original features for decades were now gone), but they proved an enormous success at the box office. In fact, there are rumors that the DVDs will feature further revisions of the revisions from the ’97 release.

let's hope the rumors prove false...

Also, in EG news...I've been getting a lot of editing done and am very happy with the new feel of the story. It reads better, faster and seems a lot tighter. Should be posting a before and after soon.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Last words on the Passion...for now at least...

I really do need to get back to the purpose of this blog which is to update people on the status of all things Entropy Gate(ish)...but first, one last comment about the movies and then the update. First off, thanks Uncle Jerry for the input! Second, let me print a quote from our news paper last week..."Mel Gibson isn't the only one with a religious film this season. Mickey Mouse has one, too. Touchstone Picture's long-awaited "The Alamo" hits neighborhood theaters today." Isn't anyone concerned about the anti-Hispanic riots that are sure to be spawned by this violent film? The newspaper article alone shows the brave (Billy Bob Thorton) Davy Crocket fighting a faceless, no doubt, stereotypical Mexican soldier.

Okay...that feels better.

ps. I do plan to see Alamo and have heard it's quite good.

Now, on to EG stuff. We got hit hard tax wise from the book! So, any chance of EG 2 being self-published is slim to none. But, fear not, those of you who have been begging to read the second installment. Plans are in the works to aid you!

Re-re-re-(whatever)-re-editing of EG-Journey is going well and it really seems like it should be a much tighter book. I am quite excited about the way it's progressing and am thinking about posting two sections (one pre-re-re-re-re-editing and one post re-re...well, you get the idea).

The seven-chapter-short story Entropy Gate ICONS will be completed soon as will the sound track. If all goes as planned we hope to have the web site back up in a few months.