Friday, August 27, 2004

Found some bizzare and yet styrangely interesting images here...

Also, Entropy Gate - Journey is almost finished (with the re-re-re-re-re-editing). Probably about a week and a half away. I'm looking for five volunteers to read (or if you've already read it) re-read it. I can't send hard copy, but I will email the manuscript to you if you promise feed back.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Rain and entropy and other stuff...

This whole rain thing has become rather interesting for me...several people have left comments re. their enjoyment of rain. Perhaps there is a group of people out there that truly are happiest when clouds blot out the sun and rain falls. It is interesting to think about. The news people always refer to bad weather as the sort that includes rain...maybe some of us think of "six days of sun" as too much...maybe that's okay to call six days of sun, "bad weather"...regardless, my first "novel" LIGHTS IN THE SHADOWS had rain every day (okay, I stole the idea from SE7EN-though not intentionally) until the last day - the climax - when the bad guys get their just deserts and suddenly the sun is out. Okay...I'm rambling.

Tomorrow I'll have something better...more interesting to say...promise.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

hey, sorry about the AOL, site with the SCREAM's what's up...someone stole the scream and the Madona (both by Edvard Munch) from a gallery in Oslo...crazy, man!

Now, with regards to Entropy Gate stuff...I've actually got a painting in the studio that I'm proud of (as of late I have been painting pets, lighthouses and landscapes...for cash...) This, however, is actually art. It is really coming together and I'll have a set of images when the EG website is up and running...stay tuned...

Monday, August 23, 2004

And then there's this...

Some stole the SCREAM!
okay...the new stupid banner is covering the top of my blog site title...any clues as to how to remedy this?

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Rain and more...

I recieved a lot of private (aka annon) feedback from people regarding my obsession with rain. I'm curious to know if people are sending annon. posts or if there is once again trouble at blogspot central...anyway, I'm working like crazy to get EG - Journey edited, but what amazes me is how one person can just suck the creativity out of you...

prayers and encouragement accepted here!