Friday, August 22, 2003

VIRUS is annoying

Not the movie, but one that has infected our University computer...I'll be blogging from home this weekend...if I can get my home computer working that the way, Virus the movie was pretty annoying as well...what was Sutherland thinking? What was Curtis thinking? And I rented it...what was I thinking?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly...(great movie...but that's not what I'm talking about)

The Good: I have my entropy gate sketch book on line now...though my brother is going to work on it and make it load it is

The Bad: Due to some "stuff", I must rework my drawing syllabus (syllabi?) all weekend and will not have time to finish part two of Jessica's story...

The Ugly: It's been very sunny lately...for some reason that depresses me...rain seems to really perk me that weird? Hello, paging Frank Black...

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

An interesting conversation today...

As those of you who are regulars to this blog might know, I had a rather large painting (8ft x 4.5ft) that was in a show at the University that I teach at...well...the painting was sold, but for certain reasons, the buyer had to back out! Total bummer! However, the painting is still there for another week and a of my friends (who has been gone for some time) just saw it and asked a series of interesting questions...

Friend: Does the cross have a definite Christian meaning to it?

ME: has to do with the main character's (Michael's) belief and Silla's doubts as to whether she has a soul...

Friend: But a cross has such a strong symbolic tie to it.

ME: It was originally a stronger element in the painting, but it wasn't to be the focal point...Silla's questioning gaze was the focal point, the cross was the answer.

Friend: But why have it as the answer?

ME: Uh...

Friend: Why is it that you are so sure of Christianity and you ask so many questions of other areas of your life?

ME: Because I spent so much of my college years searching for the truth and I've found it in Christianity. (I actually explained it a little better than that...but that's the basic jist of it) Now that I am comfortable with my religious beliefs, I find that I am questioning other things in life...

Friend: We need to continue this when we have more time...

If you wish to see the painting in question, email me and I'll send a copy to you...I'm not ready to post it on my site...
Lying liars and the lies they lie that they lied about...

This is a deviation from Entropy Gate stuff...I know...but, I have done so much on the web page I felt that I could deviate a little from the norm...if only to slam one Al (the dork) Franken! What an idiot!!! I have written before of his stupidity...but now, we have a chance to glance his hypocrisy! Please read THIS!

Monday, August 18, 2003

Finally! It's up and running!

I have finally finished chapter one of Lab Born...I also redid the GRAPHIC NOVEL page so that you can access both Vow of the sword and Lab Born. Thanks goes out to my brother who takes time during his busy schedule and probably most of his lunch to put all of the peices together! The rest of the skecthbook page should be ready by mid week...I have a lot of images that I have been working on over the past year that are either unfinished or merely refs for larger works...Jake also jhas several pages of sketches tha will be posted soon too...