Thursday, December 04, 2003

Back to reality...

So...I'm editing book two now...that's good...I also have a "one man show" at the Mocha Room (really nice coffee house in Decatur) in Jan. Yet I also have to have a new painting ready for ART LINK'S University of Saint Francis Faculty show in Jan. Looks like I have a lot to get cranking on...the Mocha Room is going to be all landscapes while the Art Link show will be either a study of "Will Kensil" or a study of Daria or Susie or both from "FIRST GATE", my Nov. writing experience...

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Missed it...

That's right, I missed the final goal by about 15,000 words. I also have been going nuts lately trying to get caught up on everything I got behind on while I was sick. I think I'm finally completely, almost over my cold...still got a cough, but feeling much better.

In Entropy Gate news, I've been organizing some stuff for the site and should have some more music ready towards the end of December. Also, I mentioned that there were some interesting developments...well, it looks like I might have an agent for the's looking good...more on that later. Due to my illness and a few financial problems (ie the car died...a story of entropy all it's own to be told later...we had to buy a new car...hopefully book two will come out in Jan.)