Friday, August 15, 2003


Bad news...a painting that was 'sold' is no longer sold...the buyer had to back out (and I don't blame him at all...these things happen) but it looks like ENTROPY GATE - BEYOND will not be going to press anytime soon...just a minor set back...

Thursday, August 14, 2003


The new SKETCHBOOK section of my site is up and running, though I haven't posted the new art there (it will be a collection of sketches and unfinished works), there is chapter one of Jessica's Story there...Jessica is one of the security guards from EG - Journey.

First, my email account is screwed up right now so fo some reason I am not able to respond to some of you...working on that.

Second, someone asked what a hyclone the Entropy Gate series a hyclone is a hybrid clone. Part machine, part a cyborg, but all of the mechanical parts are under the flesh, not like the BORG on Star Trek.

Third...they've just released the third season of Babylon 5 on DVD!!!! WOO HOO!!!!
By the way...if all goes as planned, there will be Chapter One of Jessica's story in the SKETCHBOOK section of the site...also..I have a ton of artwork to get ready for the S.B. site as well as a revamped vervion of Lab Born...I was going to post it two weeks ago but I saw something that changed my mind...if I find it on the web, I'll include a link...
and so it (really) begins...

A while ago I was reading "What we can't not know" by Professor J. Budziszewski and he mentioned that a year ago scientist had combined human cells with pig this appears...rabbits and human cells fused together to create the tissue needed to harvest STEM CELLS! When I set out to write ENTROPY GATE, I assumed that in 200 years we would have experimented with a variety of hybrids...I had no idea that it would happen in my life time and that so many people would not be bothered by it...Dr. Frankenstien...paging Dr. Frankenstien...hyclones will arrive sooner than we think!

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Al Franken is a small, pathetic loser...

Nothing to do with EG...but this really honks me off. First of all, everyone knows, and Al Franken admitted, that the only reason he title his first trash heap of drivel, "Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot" is because he knew he would anger more people and ride on the coat tails of Rush's success! (wheather you like Rush or hate him, anything with his name on it will generate conversation) Now he targets Fox news because it is currently popular and quite successful...I imagine that if Al wrote a book called "What Al Franken believes" most would say "Al who?" or "Wasn't he that very unfunny guy who used to do that Stuart Smally routine on SNL and who had a movie about that same unfunny character that bombed and didn't he also have a TV show that bombed?" Most people, though, would say "Who cares." The man is a hack, unimaginative and so devoid of originallity that he has to latch onto others, like a parasite, in order to experience anything that even comes close to success...And for those who think I'm opinionated because of my political views, when Al's other book came out I worked at book store and I read some of his's poorly written, VERY unfunny and most people I knew at the book store (and they all leaned farther to the left than myself) thought Al was annoying and silly (in the same way that a three year old with a runny nose is annoying and silly).
Things are much better...

The musical is coming together and I just reread my contract-I thought i was going back to work on Wed., but it turns out I don't return until friday! Two extra days to finish everything that I didn't get done this summer!

It feels strange not working on Entropy Gate - Beyond...I always get a little nervouse when the manuscript is in the hands of an editor...

Sunday, August 10, 2003


Grrrr...Arrrg...ratsenfratsenfargenbatsen...grrrrr... has taken a bit of a spiral...i'll let ya know what's up shortly...for now...ratsenfratsen maferfratsenpoopenfrootsenbergerfrutsenpastowatson...grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! arggg!!!