Friday, November 03, 2006

I'll be posting some images tonight from work where my computer runs faster...but now, back to evil vs bad.

Book one - Journey - explores badness. Our heroes are confronted with bad politicians, bad 'guys' and bad, or unfortunate, events. The truely evil is lurking there, but it doesn't emerge until book two - Beyond. There is a character who embodies evil...that is to say, he at one point in his life embraced fully, as his 'master', if you will, Satan and all that the devil stands for. It is not stated that he one day sat down and said, "Hey Satan, let's embrace." It was more of a gradual understanding of evil being the only choice he felt was there for him to take.

Have I ever met someone bad? Sure. Even dated a few. But have I ever met anyone evil? Truely evil? Only once. People don't scare me, but this individual made my hands shake. When you are around true evil, I think that, if you're slightly intuitive, you'll sense that something about the person does not register...there is a feeling about them that makes you uneasy...

more later...

1 comment:

Ric Johnson said...

Doing NANOWRIMO this year?