Thursday, January 31, 2008

Good times, bad times you know I've had my share...

Well...what's been going on with the book, my career and art in general?

First off, a friend of mine, we'll call her D, gave me an article that at first depressed me to no end. It essentially stated that there was no market for the stuff I write. ARRRG! And that wasn't a Pirate arrrg, but a frustrated ARRRG! But as the article continued, it gave me some hope. So I am revisiting the first chapter and I'm punching it up a bit. Adding some caffine to the scene, as it were.

Career? Got some aps out far, nothing.

Art? er...

I am editing like crazy on our movie! It's in post production...perhaps the most agonizing part of movie making for me!


Anonymous said...

Hey this is Stuart. I just thought of an idea for selling your book! why not sell the pdf file and have it encrypted so that ou have to buy it. i would buy myself a copy and ebooks now a days are real big sooooo just think about it..

allen etter said...

I will look into it. BTW, how is the military? When the movie (Darkness Aftermath) is done, I'll mail you a DVD and you can show it to your buddies! (or you can charge them to see it.)

Ian Hewitt said...

Don't give it up! I share you frustations. I recommend Mike Stackpole's The Secrets podcast if you are not already aware. It seems to be defunct these days but the previous episodes are there and they have some really solid advice for publishing (as well as editing and writing).


allen etter said...

Thanks IAN.