Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I was reading about a young woman who had her first book published at 19. I was thinking, 'how does that happen?'...then I read further and it turns out that one of her profs was a published author and he showed the manuscript to his agent. The young author made a six figure deal and sold the rights to Dreamworks...click HERE to read about the trouble that has caught up with her. Makes me wonder if anyone can think of anything original anymore...


Anonymous said...

I read about this story in the paper this morning. I feel somewhat conflicted about it - on one hand, I know that plagiarism (rather than, say, alluding to or referring to) of another work is bad. Yet, if Viswanathan is being truthful in saying that the borrowing of other authors' words was unconscious and unintentional, I can sympathise with how easy that is. I often write stuff and then find, when I read over it some time later, that bits and pieces of what I was enjoying at the time had found their way into what I had written...

Anonymous said...

By the way, is there any way I can obtain copies of your (edited) Entropy Gate novels? ;)