Monday, December 05, 2005

Frustration...sometimes it's difficult to be a writer/artist...sometimes the idea of having a real job seems so tempting and you wonder why you spent 6.5 years at colleges that gave you a degree to teach at colleges...I'm teaching art, but is that enough? I should have been a history teacher...or, at 6 ft 7 in and 285lbs a construction worker (or body guard/bouncer)...hmmm...well, editing is going okay...I picked up my own copy of Entropy Gate - Journey and it feels good to know that there are 200 copies out there (some across the ocean). But it needs to be a primary source of has to become the bread winner. I know it can become that...but it's just going to take time...I wish I wasn't so impatient...sigh (cue sad music)...enough (cue triumphant music) of this pity party crap!!!! Time to get back at it!!! YEAH!


Anonymous said...

Ok bro....when did you pick up those extra couple of 1/8 inches? 6'7"? You're taller than me, but a whole 1"? :-)

If my "little" brother....ok, younger brother....wasn't so much bigger than me, I could come over there and threaten you whenever you need a push to keep editing. But I don't want to get myself hurt, so I'll just yell from way over here.... KEEP EDITING!!!!!



allen etter said...

yeah...6 ft 7 in...freaky...since I've been married I actually grew that extra half inch...I measured and I'm officially 1 inch taller than you...weird...

Anonymous said...

I was wondering when book 2 is coming out? Or is it already out?

Anonymous said...

cool.....I doubt I've added any height.