Monday, September 29, 2003

Rabbits and more rabbits...

A student recommended Donnie Darko to me and so I experienced is not one of those movies you just watch, you really experience it if you have the patience and enjoy that sort of thing...there's an interesting web site here...

So what does Donnie Darko have to do with Entropy Gate or Rabbits? Well Donnie is hearing voices from a rather tall rabbit named Frank. And as far as the EG connection, let's just say there's a connection but if I tell you here then it'd spoil Donnie Darko for you...

It is rated R for language and some drug use, though the "drug use" is so quick and unimportant that it slips right by...I'm thinking the main reason for the R is for the first dinner conversation in which Donnie and his sister resort to ridiculous cursing when neither one of them can think of any other way to battle each other...

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